Our Processes
We are constantly evolving to become even more sustainable.
As of 2021, Meld Apparel has committed to becoming a sustainable brand, constantly evolving to best practice for the benefit of people and the planet.
We've assessed our impacts across all levels of our supply chain. Meld Apparel are committed to:
- Using ONLY sustainable fabric- Organic, Recycled, sustainably farmed.
- Using ONLY biodegradable packaging.
- From 2021 onwards all our collections are Carbon Neutral. Meaning they do not contribute to the climate emergency. We off-set our carbon emission from manufacture, transport and offices with our charity partner Vita Ireland. They drawdown our emissions by helping African communities develop strategies to be climate smart. This helps both the environment and the lives of farmers in Africa to become sustainable.
- Working ONLY with ethical factories that have certification of fair conditions and wages.
We will be as transparent as possible in sharing our journey with you, to become your trusted eco-brand. If you have any questions please contact us we love to talk about our mission! ♥